Tuesday, May 01, 2007

What are you typing into Google?

We recently started a keyword push at work, which means we tap all our available sources of keywords to find what people could possibly be typing in to get to our site and the products we sell, and then go buy those keywords on the different search engines. Among these is what people have typed into Google before they clicked on one of our ads. Looks as though that broadmatch algorithm is a teensy bit broader than we might have liked; here are a few keywords that didn't make the cut:

the people who know what they want:

the honest
  • a bathing ape
  • a folding stroller for adults
  • a glass of milk
  • a happy new year
  • a man a can and a plan
  • a real lightsaber to buy
  • a real pirate ship for sale
  • a trap
  • a very small monkey
  • a woman s brest
  • adamsunderwear
  • beeping golf balls for sight impaired golfers
  • big brests and big pences and viginas
  • girls that start there consert and end with no clothes on vidios
  • ladies bube

the dishonest

  • a paper on citizenship
  • answers to earthworm worksheet


  • guy buffet
  • hamster thongs
the people who can't quite put their finger on it:
  • a chinese mathamatic tool with beads on a wire
  • a chocolate sweet with a u in he second letter
  • a diary of a kid in a life of a kid in tunisia
  • need to buy or see some cricket bats ball and other stuff
  • place to buy things
  • this oven frys food like a deep fryer but looks like a microwave
the people who are out to teach Google a thing or two:
  • a pangolin is a type of reptile
  • babies are angels sent from above
  • bags of water really repel flies
  • boys get wedgies
the people who can't spell:
  • a girl giving a guy a head
  • baby cars eats
  • plague remover
the people who just want to know:
  • are any more captian underpants books coming out
  • are hoverboards real
  • are leather pants in style for 2006
  • are pantyhose with closed shoes out of style
  • are penguins birds
  • are plants living or non living
  • are there some major waters in france
  • are unicorns real
  • are vampires scared of crosses
  • is bb king alive
  • is cheerleading a real sport
  • is dancing a sport
  • is godzilla real
  • is kelp an animal
  • is matt retarded
  • is my phone tapped
  • is there a bat called demarini explosion
  • is there famous painting in itly
  • is there really a santa claus
  • is there such a word as rheam
  • is tweety bird a boy or girl
  • is water organic or inorganic
  • what material are fingernails made of
  • what's what

Whole27: Seven (Eight?) Months Later

Breakfast this morning was cinnamon rolls. In fairness, I'm sick right now with something resembling that monster flu--hopefully it...