Thursday, February 04, 2016


Hi there. It's been awhile! Close to five years, it looks like. It's been a big fuckin' five years, as it happens. (I'll bet they all are, though.)

Exhibit A: STILL on the biking to work thing. After five years. Still alive and stuff, AND now I have a dog that I bring to work and she rides in my bike basket. It's super cute.

Exhibit B: You guys, I got a dog! And like, I know everyone says this, but seriously, MY dog is the best dog. To wit:

  • She loves playing fetch
  • She loves playing tug of war (including with other dogs, which is totes adorbs)
  • She's a total lap dog: cuddling is her jam
  • She's smart
  • She's housebroken
  • She doesn't (usually) lose her shit: doorbells, door knocks, skateboards, and the office dog walker trying to take her out for a walk are notable exceptions
  • Did I mention that she rides to work in my bike basket? Even asshole dogs would get some credit for that. Over the year and a half we've been doing that, she's only tried to jump out twice.
Exhibit C: Still dating the 'you should bike to work' guy. In fact, we're getting married in June. True love, motherfuckers.

Exhibit D: Moved in with said 'you should bike to work' guy. In Venice. Have been biking to work along the beach for like three years. You guys, I gotta say, it's a good commute. I recommend it.

Exhibit E: Job sitch: so, it looks like I've never talked about work much here. On Twitter, sure, especially in the early days, when I was younger and Twitter more anonymous, but working in the tech industry, as I do, I suppose I was aware even then of the potential issues that might crop up as a result of sharing too much in a public and easily google-able space. 

But the work thing has been big. (To me.) And as others in this industry have been able to talk about their professional lives sans anonymity without... well, without publicly-visible repercussions, for the most part, at least from what I can see... although upon closer examination it's probably a bad idea to conclude that everything is just hunky dory because a complete stranger in Los Angeles doesn't know of all the negative things that have/could have happened as a result of additional public attention...

I can't imagine blogging without editing: perhaps it's who I am, that I want everything to be edited. I have plenty of experience with reactions to things I've said that weren't edited to know and appreciate the value of it: I've had to dig myself out of multiple holes that were the result of speaking before thinking.

I bring this up because I wonder how much self-editing is necessary, and where. What is the line between honest and careful? To what degree is something like this a good outlet, or a bad one?

I'm curious. Let's see if it takes another five years for me to post here.

Whole27: Seven (Eight?) Months Later

Breakfast this morning was cinnamon rolls. In fairness, I'm sick right now with something resembling that monster flu--hopefully it...